WordPress theme is simply a group of files, called template, bundled together and when activated in CMS (Content Management System), it determines the look and basic functions of your site. To install any WordPress theme, you’ll need to do the followings:

  • First, extract the downloaded zip file then find the theme pack (exactly in the name of the theme).
  • You can add the theme directly from the WP Admin, using “Upload Theme” option. From Admin Panel go the following path Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme and select the appropriate zipped theme file, then click Install Now.
  • N.B: Do not upload the exact file you downloaded from our site. Unzip the file first then you’ll find another zip file, upload that one to install your theme.
  • If your server is not set up properly or you have any problem, you’ll have to extract and then upload the theme manually. Using your favorite FTP client tool upload theme folder into the folder path /wp-content/themes/ on your server and activate it from the admin panel.

Note: On your WordPress site, the wp-content/themes folder stores all your themes. Each theme you install gets its own subfolder. All of the theme’s stylesheets and template files reside inside the theme’s folder.