Ghost CMS is a popular open-source platform for publishing blogs and online content. The ability to filter content to provide users with a more unique experience is a significant element of any CMS. In this post, we'll talk about how to filter posts in Ghost CMS.

Filtering posts in Ghost is a simple and straightforward process that can help you find the content you need quickly. Ghost provides several options for filtering posts. But today we discuss tags, and authors, to filter posts on ghost cms. Here's a step-by-step tutorial for filtering posts in Ghost:

Filter posts by tag in Ghost CMS:

Tags are one of the most helpful ways to filter content on Ghost. Tagging your posts helps you to categorize your content and make it easier to find. Tags can be added to posts during the creation process or at any point afterward. By filtering posts by tag, you may quickly see all posts that have been tagged with a given keyword or phrase.

1.)  At first, sign in to your Ghost Admin Panel.

filter posts in ghost

2.)  Navigate the posts page, click "Posts" in the main menu.


3.) On the Posts page, select the all tags menu in the upper right corner.

ghost filter tags

5.) Select the tag you want to filter by from the drop-down menu.

ghost filter post show

6.) Now you will see a list of all posts with the selected tag.

If you have a large content library and want to quickly find all posts about a certain topic or keyword, you can filter posts by tag. Tags can help you and your readers find and browse your material.

Filter posts by author on Ghost CMS

Another significant feature of Ghost CMS is the ability to filter posts based on the author. If you have many authors contributing to your blog or website, you may quickly access all content authored by a specific author by filtering by author.

1.)  At first, sign in to your Ghost Admin Panel.

2.)  Navigate the posts page, click "Posts" in the main menu.

3.) On the Posts page, select the Author menu in the upper right corner.

ghost author menu

4.)  Choose "Author" from the list of authors.

5.) From the drop-down menu, select the author you wish to filter by.

6.) Use the tag filter, click "Apply Filters.

7.) Now you will see a list of all posts written by the selected author.

To Sum Up

Finally, filter posts in ghost CMS is a simple and efficient technique to arrange your content and make it simpler to explore for your viewers. By using these features, you can easily filter your posts in Ghost based on various criteria. With these techniques in this post, you will be able to filter your posts more easily and quickly.